Friday, June 22, 2012

Be Careful: Again become mouse

A mouse came to a saintly person: "Sir, I am very much troubled. This cat troubles me very much." "So what you want?" "Let me become a cat." "All right, you become a cat." So he became a cat. Then after few days, he came back. "Sir, still I am in trouble." "What is that?" "The dogs trouble me very much." "So what you want?" "All right, you become." Then after few days he came again... “The tiger troubles me." "What do you want?" "Now I want to become a tiger." "All right, you become a tiger." Then, when he became tiger, he began to stare at the saintly person. The saintly person, "What do you mean by this?" "I shall eat you." "Oh, you shall eat me? I have made you tiger, and you want to eat me. All right: Again you become a mouse." So our civilization is like that, that in the gradual process of evolution we have come to the platform of human being. This human being is meant for understanding God, but we are forgetting God. Just like the tiger; instead of becoming obliged, if you want to eat, then again become a mouse. If the saintly person has got the power to make you from mouse to tiger, then he can convert you again from tiger to mouse. You must always remember this. So by the grace of God, Krishna, you have become so powerful, rich, beautiful, educated. But if you misuse it, if you forget God, then you are again going to be mouse. Therefore we should be very, very careful.

फूलों सी नाजुक चीज है दोस्ती

फूलों सी नाजुक चीज है दोस्ती,
सुर्ख गुलाब की महक है दोस्ती,
सदा हँसने हँसाने वाला पल है दोस्ती,
दुखों के सागर में एक कश्ती है दोस्ती,
काँटों के दामन में महकता फूल है दोस्ती,
जिंदगी भर साथ निभाने वाला रिश्ता है दोस्ती,
रिश्तों की नाजुकता समझाती है दोस्ती,
रिश्तों में विश्वास दिलाती है दोस्ती,
तन्हाई में सहारा है दोस्ती,
मझधार में किनारा है दोस्ती,
जिंदगी भर जीवन में महकती है दोस्ती,
किसी-किसी के नसीब में आती है दोस्ती,
हर खुशी हर गम का सहारा है दोस्ती,
हर आँख में बसने वाला नजारा है दोस्ती,...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Understanding the motivation behind the criticism!

Criticism is an extremely valuable element to success. It is important to value the opinions of others and change your actions based on good feedback. It is this feedback that helps us to achieve success. The first rule of accepting criticism is to understand the motivation behind the criticism. Understanding this motivation helps you decide how valid the criticism is, and whether to accept it or not. Here are some of the more common reasons why people criticize.

Out of jealousy.
When others are jealous of your work, they will criticize with the intent of damaging your self-esteem. It is usually easy to spot this motivation because the critic will usually have something to gain by your failure.
Out of anger or frustration.
Often when someone gets frustrated they misdirect their frustration and start playing the blame game. This blame is dished out in the form of undue criticism. This kind of criticism can easily be identified by the tone and the words used to criticize.
Concerned for one's own interest.
People have different tastes and preferences. Some critics will criticize based on their own personal preferences. Take for example someone who hires an artist to paint a portrait. The one who is being painted is justified in criticizing the work based on his own personal preferences, since the work was specifically done for him.

Concerned for your best interest.
Criticism made by parents, loved ones, or good friends is usually done with your best interest in mind. This is important to realize because it is this group of "critics" that are usually the most resented for their criticism.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hidden Thought : Count to 10 before you speak

If you react immidiately to criticism then you'll often react in a Knee-jerk manner, and the words that come outmay be overemotional, vivious and unnecessary. Count at least 10 after someone has criticised you, then respond. This simple way of calming yourself down and regaining some perspective can save you a lot of trouble and help you avoid saying something you can't take back. it's a good approach to avoid creating unnecessary problems. Maybe you've heard this one before. Its a great and practical way to look at criticism. It might be extra useful when dealing with angry, destructive criticism and nasty personal attacks.

A man interrupted one of the Buddha's lectures with a flood of abuse. Buddha waited untill he had finished and then asked him,"If a man offered a gift to another but the gift was declined, to whom would be gift belong?" "To the one who offered", said the man. "Then", said the Buddha,"I decline to accept you abuse and request you to keep it for yourself."

Simply don't accept the gift of a criticism, you don't have to. Then it still belongs tto the person who offered it.